What to bring to dinner? Dear Polite One, When invited to a dinner , family or not, should I bring a hostess gift, dessert, or wine? Thanks Empty-Handed Dear Empty-Handed It's best to ask if the host would like for you to bring something, like dessert. A good host will decline. But you should always take some sort of hostess gift, such as a bottle of wine, flowers, or candy. The Polite One How much to Pile on a Cocktail Party Plate? Dear Polite One When attending a Cocktail Party or Happy Hour and the host is having hors d’oeuvre to be eaten on a small saucer plate, how many of each item should you get or place on your plate? Thank you, James Dear James, There is no absolute here because items may be large or small and how can we assign a number to this. So, we should use discretion as not to appear ravenous or greedy. Just place a few, perhaps three items on your plate at a time. We wouldn’t want our plate to appear h...
Etiquette Advice by The Polite One